RE: [CH] Tepin Vs. Red Savina

P.M. Dierking (
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 19:21:33 -0500

> > So Red Savina is not the hottest, chocolate habs are?

I think it is necessary to apply a metric here.
If we agree we are comparing equivalent weight,
for example, 1 gram, we need to determine whether
we are comparing:

[a] fresh pod, whole
[b] dried pod, whole
[c] fresh pod, seeds removed
[d] dried pod, seeds removed

Personally, I favor doing comparisons using dried pods,
seeds removed, and for my own experiences, most chinenses
do not even come close to some of the hotter thin-walled
annuum and frutescens varieties.

Wild, Sonoran chiltepin would be right near the top
using this type of comparison system.

> No, Aji Yuquitania is the hottest, closely followed by Red Savina.  
> And some would say Fatali is in the same league.
> (But Red Savina is the one and only listed in Guiness Book of records).