Re: [CH] Gardening related post. Delete if you will...

CherylWolfe and Mike Kuhlmann (
Sat, 22 Apr 2000 15:59:58

seems like it would make sense, willows=aspirin?  Don't some people
advocate putting aspirin in your water for flower cuttings?   Good stuff...

Charles P Demas wrote: 
tucker wrote:
>> Supposedly, (according to the two women working there) willows are so
>> prolific that soaking branch cuttings in water will infuse into the
>> water, similar properties to rooting hormone. Has anyone else heard of /
>> tried this? Is it absolute gibberish? 
>Not gibberish.  Martha Stewart had a show about it. They had small twigs
>cut up into lengths of a couple inches then boiled up in a pot to make
>a dark looking tea used for rooting.
>P.S. I don't garden, but I read most posts.  Are you sure you really 
>want to label these postings the way you are???
>Next time I might just hit delete!
>Chuck Demas