[CH] Carp Has Baby's Breathe!

Rockin' Randy (ledbelly99@yahoo.com)
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 16:20:17 -0700 (PDT)

O! He Who Does the Watusi with Fish,

And just when you thought a Hotluck thread had died ...

My sincere apologies for leaving you out of the Madison Report.

Jim did bring in your samples.  The Baby's Breathe was killer -
especially with a chunk of De Bread dipped in it.  No
description could justify the actual taste of this Epicurean

And there was one thing there that I have desired since reading
about it in your posts - the Carp Fermented Hab liquid.  Was
this the batch that was seeping through the crock?  I couldn't
get enough!  On your knees, Tabasco!

There were other folks who sent good stuff, including the guy
who made the sand painting type Pepper Powder Art.  And the Gent
(from our list) who made Armageddon Chile from his powder must
not be forgotten!

Carp, your presence was felt although you were not there!


 --- danceswithcarp <dcombs@bloomington.in.us> wrote:

 and you've got
> "Baby's Breath," an apple butter-type bread spread that is
> amazingly edible.

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