[CH] Ripening Habs

SHUETRIM, Mark (mshuetrim@westpac.com.au)
Thu, 11 May 2000 17:40:08 +1000

Greetings CHs

I need some help from some experienced CHs. I have several hab plants in
their first year of growth. The orange habs have produced heaps of fruit
however it is very slow to ripen on the plant. My modus operandi was to wait
for the fruit to show a slight colour change and then harvest it and place
in a sunny position to continue ripening. Although this worked quite well it
has been taking a very long time for the fruit to show any change in colour
once it had reached mature size. My wife suggested picking the fruit green
and then placing it in a sunny position based on the fact that greenfruit
that had been nibbled by bugs and discarded by me (in disgust) soon ripened
on the ground. Is there a better way to expedite the ripening process? This
current process takes between 7-10 days. I seek your guidence CHs.

Mark from the Olympic City.