Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V6 #192

Cameron Begg (
Fri, 26 May 2000 08:04:12 -0400

Hi C-H's,
TLCC wrote:
>I am delighted to announce that NMSU just tested a C. Pubescens
>variety which we are calling "Rocoto Rojo". It came in at 91%
>germination rate which is seriously good for Pubescens. Wadda ya
>think Cameron?

I think that is an excellent result for you, but by no means atypical 
of my experiences growing them from the seeds of my own plants. In 
fact they are so reliable that I only sow one seed per tray cell. I 
have to qualify that by saying that I do hand sort the seeds for the 
largest and best looking. After that I send them to anyone else who 
wants them, but many recipients report high germination rates also.

                      Regards,               Cameron.