[CH] thanks guys!

Emile & Dewi (e.steenbrink@worldonline.nl)
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 03:39:56 +0200


I'd like to thank three people for sending all kind of wonderful things.

1. Eric Ziegenmeyer: Coffee and Sambal are on their way.
2. Scott Thurston: For you there's also Sambal on it's way.
3. Randy Ransom: Again Sambal and hot sauce and later there will be some
herring,       too.

Thanks guys for the wonderful sauces and other chile related things. BTW
Jim, I'm having trouble finding fire department things, so what else would
you like from Holland if I can't find things? Please let me know.

Hi to the rest of the Ch's. Hope your plants are doing great!

Miss Dewi