Re: [CH] malagueta chiles

Chet Bacon (
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 08:18:15 -0400

You are right, not much on them Dave.. but the picture (location below)
reminds me of Aji Yuquitania type peppers.  Other research suggests you
may subsitute malagueta pepper
Substitutes:  jalapeno (not as hot) OR tabasco.

Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages suggest a completely different plant.

Any who... this is what I could find on them..

Picture of them..

Describes them heat wise.., Malagueta

Still use the chopsticks you made.. they are great cooking/eating tools!

All the best

Dave Hendricks wrote:

> Has anyone heard of Brazilian Malagueta Chiles? I have a recipe
> that calls for them. They are supposed to come pickled in a brine
> of grain alcohol and oil. I have never seen them and a web search
> turned up dry in the US. Any help here folks?
> Dave Hendricks
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