[CH] Rocoto finally flowering!

Chet Bacon (chet@chetbacon.com)
Sun, 16 Jul 2000 13:13:48 -0400

Finally the wintered over rocoto is flowering!
Some of you CH remember a couple years ago Cameron offered up some
seeds, well it has been a year plus, lost all but one plant which
wintered over and finally flowers!
I'd almost given up hope of New England Grown Rocotos.  I guess all I
had to do was talk about them on the list and they produced big
beautiful purple flowers!
Now, I can wait a bit for the fruit to set.. time to get out the naked
twister game!
tnx agn
* Chet Bacon   KA1ILH     |           Okay, who put a             *
* PO Box 284              |         "stop payment" on my          *
* Southington, CT 06489   |             reality check?            *
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* Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco Viva Bultaco*
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