[CH] Cranberry Salsa Recipe Request

Rick Guerra (guerras@nwlink.com)
Tue, 18 Jul 2000 08:52:59 -0700

Over the weekend I had some "Red Hot Chili Mama's Cranberry Holiday Salsa". It was great; a nice blend of hot and sweet.

I copied the ingredients off the label, and was going to do some experimenting, but then I thought maybe someone out there might already have a recipe for something like this.

The ingredients, by the way, were: Cranberries, Onion, Mandarin Oranges, dried Apricots, Cilantro, Jalapeno peppers, honey, and spices.

Red Hot Chili Mama's is based out of Kennewick, Washington, and seems to be a small company. I got their stuff at a farmers market. The two salsas I tried were mild to medium heat, but had great flavor. I recommend them if you find yourself in Eastern Washington.

- Rick