Re: [CH] whiteflies
Sat, 29 Jul 2000 20:12:40 EDT

I think it is effective at controlling the flies to the point where there is minimal damage to plant, but it is certainly not eliminating them. Perhaps this is a satisfactory result concidering there are no longer curled up leaves or holes in leaves.I am still seeing some of the buggers around, and I do however have to monitor them quite closely to make sure we don't have a WF population explosion.


In a message dated Fri, 28 Jul 2000  9:38:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Lets hope it works on the whiteflies.

Ron. >>

Ron et all, No noticeable reduction in the population of whiteflies w/savers 
sprayed on tops and under side sides of leaves.  UGH!

HELP!  Now what?

