[CH] Great weekend in Chileland

Mike Pierce (mpierce@martel-intl.com)
Mon, 07 Aug 2000 11:14:38 -0500

I got to meet with a couple of listmembers this weekend to trade produce
and to drop off my contribution to the Midwest Hotluck. Very generous folks
on this list. I traded some apple/cherry smoked anchos fer some rocotos,
rocotillos (sp), honey, a tepin plant, and a truely ugly but tasty heirloom
tomato with an anonamoose lister. I made out like a bandit. Thanks my
daughters and I had a great time. 

After that it was off to Scott's house to drop off some hot spuds n
sausage, hope it turns out good. Scott was gracious enough to show me his
gardens. I think it was just to prove the existance of the KT chile :-) .
Of which I got a sample! So yes folks they do exist, and just like he
claims there are two kinds, long and thick and long and thin.  They both
get the job done. 

Well gotta go, thanks to both of you. I hope the hotluck goes well, sorry I
have to miss it.


Michael Pierce	
Telecommunications Manager - MarTel International, Inc.
11038 N. Harrison
Kansas City, MO 64155
Phone: 816.734.0040
Fax: 816.734.2066
URL: http://www.martel-intl.com