[CH] Need an X chili recipe....

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
07 Aug 00 08:45:47 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Graeme Caselton" to All <=-

 "C> going through the chili recipe database I found I don't
 "C> have any 'X' chili recipes, that is to say, none with a
 "C> title beginning with an X. Any chile-heads out there
 "C> who can help?

I have a friend in FIDO Cooking who always signs off as XXCarol. So her
recipe for chili starts with an X. I'd hardly call it chili though. <G>

(For the record I don't approve of beanz in chili let alone all those
other veggies.)

MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05
      Title: Xxcarol's Southern Chili
 Categories: Chili, Beef, Steak, Beanz!, Mild
      Yield: 10 Servings
      3 lb Beef, inexpensive cut 'steak
      1 sm Bag dry kidney or red beans
      1    Fistful black eye peas (dry)
      1    Fistful black beans (dry)
     24 oz Contadina tomato sauce
     24 oz Contadina stewed tomatoes
      2 c  Water
      2 c  Rough chopped onions (2 lg)
      2    Green peppers, chopped rough
      1    Yellow summer squash
      1    Green zucchini
    1/2 c  Cauliflower bits (stems too)
      1    Fistful fresh green beans
      3 tb Chili powder (or more)
      1 tb Black pepper
      1 ts Cumin or comino seeds
      1 ts Hot sweet red pepper
  Ok, one of the hardest to type up, is my famous/infamous *Southern*
  Fact is, I have never made it the same twice, and I've never really
  measured anything I put in it.  I have attempted to list the most
  common forms, but any one item you see listed, other than the beef,
  beans, and tomato, and spices, is optional.  It will *not* taste
  right without some of the optional stuff though.  Feel free to add
  extra things not listed, such as I often toss in some fresh tomatoes,
  a handful of cooked butter beans, worchestershire sauce, olives, a
  radish or so, a bit of finely cooked pork (shred first).  In fact,
  almost anything lands in there!
  Ok to start, this was designed for *long time* cooking over the stove
  in a cast iron 'big as they make'em' deep frypan.  Its best made that
  way. Requires frequent addition of water as it cooks.
  Take the beef, inexpensive cut works as well or *better* in this dish.
  Should be the big 'chunks' probably with bone in, not overly marbled
  but with some fat about it.  Now slice that to bite sized bits.  You
  want something similar to a stroganoff beef strip.  Cut across the
  grain so it cooks more tender.
  Chop all the veggies, but don't worry about making them very small
  choppings.  'Mincing' not required.  I like to be able to tell what I
  am eating.
  Put the ingredients in, pretty much same order as listed.  If you run
  out of space, stop.  If you have more space, add optional things and
  more water.
  Now, cook (covered) on LOW for 12 hours at minimum. Tilt the lid if
  it is more than barely bubbling.
  From the kitchen of:  xxcarol
  From: Carol Shenkenberger             Date: 16 Mar 98

                                                Jim in Yellowknife