[CH] ornamentals

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
07 Aug 00 08:45:49 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Emile & Dewi" to All <=-

 "&D> As I was looking for more info on chiles I found a site that stated
 "&D> that ornamentals are not edible because some are even poisonous. I
 "&D> found this disturbing news. I have e few ornamentals and was zctually
 "&D> looking forward to tasting the pods. Is this really true? Please let me
 "&D> know since I have been getting mixed messages. Thanks y'all!

AFAIK all capsicums are edible; some ornamentals don't have very good
flavour but they are not poisonous.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife