[CH] The Society

Dave Anderson (Chilehead@tough-love.com)
Thu, 10 Aug 2000 18:50:46 -0700

Brother Rael,

If you can produce a gem like that about once every three months, 
lurk mode is the place for you:-)

I know that your story is the truth because shortly after I was 
annointed as a high priest (just chile oil on the forehead), El 
Grande transported Jim Campbell the elder and me to Jamaica via 
American Airlines. He could have made us big enough to walk 
there but it would have interferred with air traffic.

Happy to hear from you bro, and if this site could be resuscitated 
that would be great!

Dave Anderson

> well, i don't know if i wuz instrumental in its foundation or not...wuz a
> whooole lotta chile prayin' and spittin' going on at the time and it just
> fit right in, it did...or at least, I fell right in...nothin' like a good
> cult to get yer blood going, IMO...Brother McNally is to be praised [bless
> you brother] for his work...