Re: [CH] Sichuan peppercorns

Doug Irvine (
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 16:14:48 -0700

I have been using these little gems, Zanthoxylum Piperitum for about 20 years,
ever since I first was introduced to them by a Chinese friend.....I pour about a
teaspoon or more, in a little cast iron frying pan, reserved just for that, and
toast them over high heat, stirring all the time, until they are really pungent,
then into a mortar & pestle, and grind heck outta them! I then use the resultant
pepper powder in all my Szechuan dishes....they just do not taste the same
without it! Cheers, Doug in BC

Jeffrey Rose wrote:

> My Chinese office mate just brought in some of these things.  I've heard about
> them but haven't been able to find them.  They're not really "peppercorns" but
> are some kind of berry from a species of prickly ash (or something like that).
> He says all real Sichuan cooking (in Sichuan) uses these along with chiles but
> most "Americanized" Sichuan cooking does not.  When you chew on one of these
> pods, your mouth starts salivating like crazy because they're very tart then a
> very interesting buzzing sensation takes over your lips and tongue.  Never had
> anything like it.
> Jeff
> Jeffro's Serious Sauces (if I get any damn chiles in my pathetic garden this
> year)