[CH] Sichuan peppercorns

Jeffrey Rose (Jeffrey_Rose@eri.eisai.com)
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 17:39:11 -0400

My Chinese office mate just brought in some of these things.  I've heard about
them but haven't been able to find them.  They're not really "peppercorns" but
are some kind of berry from a species of prickly ash (or something like that).
He says all real Sichuan cooking (in Sichuan) uses these along with chiles but
most "Americanized" Sichuan cooking does not.  When you chew on one of these
pods, your mouth starts salivating like crazy because they're very tart then a
very interesting buzzing sensation takes over your lips and tongue.  Never had
anything like it.

Jeffro's Serious Sauces (if I get any damn chiles in my pathetic garden this