[CH] Nonproductive Northern Plants

Derek Wagner (datilderek@excite.com)
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 10:18:47 -0700 (PDT)

  Anybody want to venture a guess as to why the chile plants I ordered from
up north (Cross Country Nurseries)aren't producing chiles? They are
beautiful and very healthy, and have had the same treatment as all of my
heavy producers.

 All of the plants I have grown from seed have given up huge harvests so far
this summer, but the northern plants are not really doing much as far as
flowering goes. The plants in question are a Datil, Aji Dulce and a
Lemon-drop chile.

 I am growing in 3-5 gallon containers to avoid the dreaded Florida
root-knot nematode. I use a rich but well draining mix of potting soil,
coarse sand, peat, vermiculite and perlite. I also fertilize with fish
emulsion about every month. 

 All of my plants are dark green, very heavy with leaves, and with the
exception of the three, loaded with blossoms for a second (or ongoing)

Any insight would be appreceated.


p.s. Anyone have a good recipe for the 300+ piquins I get every summer? I
can only eat so many, and my attempt at a Tabasco style sauce failed
miserably! Yes, I am a Tabasco fan, but I make most of my hot sauces from my
ample supply of Yucatan habs.


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