[CH] szechuan pepper, Calvin's

J. B. Cattley (jbc@ihug.com.au)
Sat, 19 Aug 2000 12:23:39 +1000

OK, I'm just going to have to try szechuans again. When I tried them
(assuming them to be the same, peppercorn-sized red sea-mine textured outer
case, split in half to the stalk, shiny black seed.) they were very boring
indeed, with an odd cloying flavour, rather like munching on coriander
seeds. I must have had a stale batch, or something.

Also... It's been too long, I WANT SOME CALVIN'S! I tasted some a couple of
years back, and I can't stand it, I MUST HAVE MORE. Lots more. How do I go
about getting some?  Calvin, are you out there?
