[CH] FIRST CALL!!! 3rd Annual Red Savina/Francisca Group Purchase (mostly

Art Pierce (pierces@cruzio.com)
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 13:22:55 -0700


I just now talked with Mary Garcia of GNS Spices,
originators - and holders of the PVP on both
Red Savina habaneros & Francisca habaneros -
and she had just gotten a call from one of their growers.
"The chiles that were green yesterday are starting to
turn yellow (first stage) today. It's a miracle!"

So we better get moving on this because Frank
Garcia likes to take care of little buyers (like us
with ~500 pounds) first.

For anyone who wants to get in on this
low-priced group purchase before the
cut-off date (which hasn't been determined

1) The orders are in 10-lb. box increments.

2) Pre-paid orders only.

3) $30 for each 10-lb. box.

4) The cut-off date for last arrival of
checks made out to me is not yet set.

5) Please specify # of boxes you want
of savinas &/or franciscas.
[Please email me ahead so I can keep the
Garcias informed on how fast our group
buy is getting to the minimum they'll do,
and also send confirming note in the snail mail
envelope along with your check.]

6) Checks received after he cut-off date
will be returned to you in the next postal mail.

7) As usual, the $ after costs will go to the
California Grey Bears (CGB):

8) Your pick-up spot for the 10-lb. boxes
is the cooler at CGB:

9) Please also call me in every case to
pre-arrange each and any pick-up you'll be doing.

Art Pierce
714 Almond Drive
Watsonville, CA 95076-3608
[Only if you're nearly broke: 1.888.723.3038]