Re: [CH] chile heat article

Tom F. Bryant (
Mon, 4 Sep 2000 16:41:24 -0500

I dunno.  This article says 16 million scovilles will raise a
"blister."   Since cap acts only on the burn pain receptors it seems like
it would be impossibe for a simulated burning pain to raise a blister from
a burn.   I've handled some hot stuff in my life and I think Tabasco Crab
Boil is 16 million SCV and that didn't make a blister.  One error doesn't
discredit the article, but it does make me quit reading.

Can cap make a blister?

Carp, ever heard of "Hunan Hand"? Sure! Cap can work on any skin, although
you don't "taste" it except from the burn-pain receptors.