Re: [CH] cap and blisters

Calvin Donaghey (
Tue, 05 Sep 2000 21:58:20 -0500

I, too, have experienced blisters inside my mouth after eating exceptionally hot
pods.  Twice now I have had a mass of blisters come up immediately after  eating
pods that were WAY too hot for me.  I've heard all the talk and research that it
doesn't happen, only affects the pain receptors, must be an allergic reaction, etc.
<< Horsehockey.>>  Clearly, (to me anyway) capsaicin is a potent irritant in strong
concentrations.  When I got Cap in my eye from dehydrated hab oils, it was
bloodshot for a couple of days, pain receptors or no.  Just because most folks
don't have the kind of reaction I do does not mean it's my imagination, and it's
not an allergic reaction to peppers, either.  I guess I'd also have to say it's
probably not my mind making the blisters because of an imagined burn, either.  I go
out in the noonday sun, I get blistered.  My neighbor goes out and lays out for
hours for a nice tan.......
Uninstall soapbox mode, reinstall lurk.

Michelle DeWitt wrote:

> > I have been told by more than one friend who picked up a beautiful, harmless
> > looking hab, and took a big bite, that they ended up with blisters in their
> > mouth. I, personally have had them on the inside of my lip after eating too
> > much fresh hab sauce... so I'm a believer in cap and blisters. I know that
> > I've felt the burn so hot on my fingers that they felt like they were on fire
> > and waited for it to happen. Lucklily, it didn't. I eat them but I respect
> > them.
> > Michelle in KC