Re: [CH] Food Network Hotluck, October 21

Inagaddadavida (
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 13:04:19 -0600

Twas Writ:
>Saturday, October 21 at 2PM to Warren, NJ is a hotluck that will be filmed
>for cable TV's The Food Network.
>Does anyone have any ideas for something special to do at my televised
>hotluck?  Risa suggested a "Maybe a real taste test of the sauces" or a
>"Let's come up with something. This will be soooo cool."

Twister [TM!], obviously...

Peace, Hendrix, and CHiles.......


Mississippi Redneck Cook
Nutritionist in the Making
Monk of the TCS / Order of Immaculate Twister
Keeper of the Faith
and a Towel...