[CH] Sunny and 62

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
07 Oct 00 09:58:51 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Alex Silicosis" to All <=-

 >I must. But then I reside slightly north of the 62 parallel where there
 >is less than four hours of sunlight daily in late Dec.

 "S> Jim, what's it like in the peak of the sunlight season, in June?

Gorgeous. 20 hours of true sunlight and 4 hours of twilight. It never
really gets dark for 2 months.

 "S> Do you  have to protect the plants from that many hours of light,
 "S> or do they just  soak it all up?

They don't handle the extra light all that well. Last year I put half my
plants outside and left half indoors on a windowsill; the indoors ones
did better. This year I left them all inside.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife