[CH] Southern Turnip Green Soup

Sun, 19 Nov 2000 21:03:24 -0500

-Begin Recipe Export- QBook version 1.00.14

Title: Southern Turnip Green Soup
Keywords: Soups, Vegetarian
   Servings:  6

   1 bunch Young turnips with greens (1 pound)
      6 Tb Butter
      1 c  Chopped onions
  1 1/2 ts Salt
  1 1/4 ts Sugar
  5 1/2 c  Vegetable stock   
 1 Tbsp  Vietnamese or Chinese red chile paste, depending
                    whether you want this garlicky
      2 Tb Lemon juice
      2 c  Half-and-half
      4 Tb Cooked grits
           Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the turnip roots off the greens.  Clean and wash the greens,
discarding any blemished or yellowed edges.  Tear the large leaves into
smaller pices. Trim the ends and peel the turnips. Cube into bite-size
pieces, enough to make 4 cups.

Melt 3 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over moderate heat.
Add turnips and saute until crisp-tender, about 10 minutes.  Add 
onions, and saute 5 minutes or until tender, but not browned.  Add 1/2
teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon sugar, and 1 1/2 cups of stock. Blend well,
stir in the lemon juice, and set aside.

In another skillet, melt remaining 3 tablespoons of butter.  Add the
greens and saute over medium heat 10 minutes, until crisp-tender.
Add remaining 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 4
cups stock.  Blend well, remove from heat and cool for 15 minutes.
Puree the greens in a food processor or in batches in a blender.
Add pureed greens to turnip mixture.  Mix together and reheat.
Add half-and-half and cooked grits, and adjust the salt and
pepper to taste.  Stir in chile paste and serve hot.
  Source: adapted from _The Florida Cookbook_ by Voltz and Stuart.
  -End Recipe Export- 

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