[CH] 3 tomato plant

byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 22:30:10 -0500

Folks I am flipping out,  I have to pass his on.

Earlier this spring I was chatting with a gal that grows this tomatoes,  I
got some seeds from her this week.

For you Heirloomers,  She said her great Aunt got them for an Old German
that arrived in the US  circa WWI. Her Great Aunt was given some seeds circa
early 1930's.

The plant.  grows 6 to 8ft tall and sets only 3 tomatoes,  First one grows
about 9" dia,  Second 8.5" dia  and the last one about 8.25" dia.

In an attempt to find out more about this plant  I wrote to a USDA GRIN site
at UC Davis.  I got back the following letter


Dear Bryon,

I haven't heard of a tomato variety that produces exactly 3 fruits per
plant, much less one with fruit of the size you indicate below. If you have
pictures, that might help, or you could send a seed sample and we could grow
it next year in our field and give you our  impressions.


Roger Chetelat

Roger Chetelat
Curator, Tomato Genetics Resource Center
Dept. Vegetable Crops
University of California
Davis, CA  95616
tel  530-752-6726
fax 530-752-9659

Folks I am F'n filpping out,  I think I have found a lost variety
