[CH] How Hot is Too Hot?

Thu, 14 Dec 2000 18:05:29 EST

Thought CH'ers who didn't read this would enjoy the article.


How Hot is Too Hot? Mo Hotta
                 Looks for the Answer
                 San Francisco Chronicle
                 (Los Angeles Times) 
                 Wednesday, December 13,2000 

                 Every hot sauce claims astronomical "Scoville units,"
                 referring to an old- fashioned and somewhat
                 subjective system of evaluating chile hotness. 

                 Now the hot sauce catalog company Mo Hotta Mo
                 Betta is taking the issue out of the speculative     
                 It has submitted all its hot sauces to a laboratory  
                 High Performance Liquid Chromatography analysis.

                 The lab used by the San Luis Obispo-based
                 mail-order company rates Tabasco at 2,140
                 Scoville units, El Yucateco Habanero (green) at
                 8,910, Dave's Insanity Sauce at 51,000 and the
                 infamous Mad Dog Inferno at 89,560. 

                 A dry mixture of ground peppers comes in at
                 180,000, which must be pretty close to the natural

                 True chile loons will just have to try Mad Dog
                 Inferno and its like. But, for the record, the
                 numerical ratings are accompanied in Mo Hotta Mo
                 Betta's catalog by a "thermometer" scale, which
                 doesn't bother to distinguish among levels over
                 5,000 units. 

                 Above that level, hotness is not so much culinary as,
                 let's say, recreational.