Re: [CH] How Hot is Too Hot?

Doug Irvine (
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:39:20 -0800 wrote:
> Thought CH'ers who didn't read this would enjoy the article.CLIP!!!
Well, as Mary-Anne is aware, because we discussed this one time, hot is
hot to different folks, and even tho I can chomp a hab at the
supermarket to scare the pants(figuratively, that is) offn the little
gals at the checkout, and Marie always says ( Big show off!) (and then
laughs) in some dishes, I put a goodly amount of heat, while in others,
because I wish more complex flavors to emerge in the dish, I temper the
chiles, either fresh, dried, Jim's smoked hab powder or Calvin's blend
of a myriad of chiles, and if it is not to our liking when we are
sitting down to eat it, then we can always add, either of the above.
eg...tonight I did a Ma Po Tofu, which I realize, is not everybodys
favourite(tough bananas) and the heat was Thai red curry paste AND
szechuan peppercorns, heated in a cast iron pan, then powdered, pestle
and morter style, and I gotta complaint from the other diner...."How
come you did not use more peppercorns?"(she was right, as usual, think I
will keep her for another 52 years)Along with this I did a black bean
vegeable stir fry, which also had Thai red curry paste, and thank
goodness, this time I got it right!!!! No complaint!!!! Anyway, the
point I was trying to get across was that, as taste buds differ, and
dishes requirements also differ, I do not think anyone, ever will be
able to definitively say what is hot for you, is hot for me, regardless
of Scoville units, or gas chromography!
Cheers, Doug in BC