[CH] fruit fly ?

James Robertson (jrr@optushome.com.au)
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 10:54:44 +1100

I checked on the progress of one of my chillis on return from a two week
holiday to discover that most (all) of the ripening pods had turned an off
brown colour and shrivelled up.  On breaking open a pod I discovered it full
of maggots.

I live in Sydney.  Are they likely to be fruit fly maggots ?  Any solutions
for the rest of the maturing fruit other than hoping the fly (or whatever it
is) won't come back and ruin them too ?  I have already harvested some nice
pods prior to this.  (It's a 'Don Burke' Thai Chilli - purple pods ripening
to bright red - in its second season)

One other 'pest' issue.  One other of my chillis, a Serano, has a bad aphid
infection.  Any good suggestions for organic solutions ?  I'd prefer not to
spray with ugly chemicals...

My rocoto, frutescens, aji yellow, habaneros and cayennes are fine with no
aphids at all, just the serano.

