[CH] Re: Habaneros

Thu, 1 Feb 2001 21:00:45 -0800

I understand that so far, scientists have not been successful 
genetically engineering any pepper. The Red Savina, Caribbean 
Red and any other Capsicum Chinense varieties are open 
pollinated. None are hybrids, or if they were hybridized have been 
grown out through several generations so that the seeds from a non-
cross pollinated fruit would be stable. To the best of my knowledge, 
the heirloom fanatics have not yet gone to war over chiles like they 
have over tomatoes. I'm copying your question to a couple of 
friends who might be able to give you some more information.

> Dear Sir / Madame, Are Red Savina Habaneros, Caribbean Red Habaneros and other Habaneros genetically engineered ( GMO's )? Are they transgenetic? Are they genetically tampered with in any way? Are they F1-hybrids or open-pollinated? Do they grow true to type with each successive generation? Are 
they Heirlooms? Please write back soon. Kind regards, Graeme Melrose.