[CH] Selection of seeds- which ones?

Klaus Schwienhorst (kschwien@tcd.ie)
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:33:33 -0000

Hi everybody,

for the past few years, I have had 5 plants on my window sill, 
whose packet was labelled "Super Habaneros" (250,000 Scovilles; 
I am not sure if that is even the name of a variety, they looked like 
scotch bonnets, lanternshape). These have now, it seems, come to 
the end of their career; even with tomato fertilizer.

I am planning to start with a more ehm controlled approach to Chili 
growing this spring, so if you had to select 5 varieties that give me 
a good idea of the chili spectrum, while maybe having a strange 
shape (like those caterpillar ones I saw once on a web site), and 
being fairly reliable to grow in non-Mexican climates (ie Ireland), 
which ones would you recommend?
I am sure there are some nice seed sellers in the US who have 
special kinda starter packs. I'd appreciate your advice.

Thanks in advance,
Klaus Schwienhorst
Language Modules Co-ordinator
Centre for Language and Communication Studies
Arts Building
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Phone: Ireland +1 6083525
FAX: Ireland +1 6772694
Email: kschwien@tcd.ie
MOO: Klaus at CLCS Campus (http://kontakt.tcd.ie:8000)
Homepage: http://www.tcd.ie/CLCS/assistants/kschwien.html