[CH] Potting Soil

byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 09:57:55 -0500


How about 90% Peter's Redi-Earth and 10% composted cow manure.

Around here Redi-Earth is $15 a bag and a 100 mile round trip to get it.

Scotts has decided to give Lowes an exclusive for Peters Redi-Earth.
< insert Raels most abusive rant>

For you folks in New England,  Thats Danvers and So Springfield, MA and
Hartford, Conn.  Thats it.

Been around long enough to not use garden soil in pots.

Might have been because of an unusually cold summer here...


If Byron went out and bought potting soil which is designed to be
installed in pots and his pots drained correctly, he could easily
grow habaneros in a 5 gallon can. You cannot fill a pot with your
garden soil, no matter how organic, and expect to grow plants. You
will never get the watering or fertilizer rates correct.


Dave Anderson