Re: [CH] Another cheap easy spread
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 15:03:27 GMT

At 08:55 PM 3/19/01 -0600, Ken Baker wrote:
>In your search for the hot stuff, never neglect the Asian markets - they
>have been using hot stuff since before dirt got brown.  Great inexpensive
>Seracha sauces, relishes, etc.

I agree with this recommendation, but it always fascinates me that all the 
Asian cuisines were bereft of chiles prior to 1500 or so when Columbus brought 
them over from the Americas.  They are thought to have made there way east thru 
Hungary, which is about the only European countery with a long history of using 
chiles in food (possible exception with southern Italy)

Can you imagine Indian or Thai food without chile peppers?

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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                                  Life is a Cabernet!