Re: [CH] Another cheap easy spread

Myron Menaker (
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 10:33:43 -0500

There's another school of thought which has those babies making their
way to Asia from South America long before Columbus, a la Kon-Tiki,
across the Pacific in balsa rafts. Thence, thru the various islands to
the Asian mainland.

Anyone have any additional details....or am I perpetuating a myth???

Myron wrote:
> At 08:55 PM 3/19/01 -0600, Ken Baker wrote:
> >In your search for the hot stuff, never neglect the Asian markets - they
> >have been using hot stuff since before dirt got brown.  Great inexpensive
> >Seracha sauces, relishes, etc.
> I agree with this recommendation, but it always fascinates me that all the
> Asian cuisines were bereft of chiles prior to 1500 or so when Columbus brought
> them over from the Americas.  They are thought to have made there way east thru
> Hungary, which is about the only European countery with a long history of using
> chiles in food (possible exception with southern Italy)
> Can you imagine Indian or Thai food without chile peppers?

Myron Menaker                      Daytona Beach FL USA     |    
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              I'd rather be singing!        |     |