[CH] Re: Let the stoning begin

Derek Wagner (datilderek@excite.com)
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 10:15:01 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 Jeff Thompson wrote

Jeff Thompson There seems to be a minority on the mailing list that won't
eat anything but habaneros: habanero salsa, habanero sauce, habanero
cookies, habanero cheese cake, habanero egg salad, habanero ice creame,
habanero stuffed habanero with habanero cream cheese and a side order of
habanero dipping sauce served with a chilled glass of habanero cabernet...
habanero, habanero, habanero, habanero. It's like that Monty Python SPAM
sketch. While I respect the heat 
of the noble hab, I also like other pepper flavors and heat levels too. 

I got a huge rash-of-sh*t when I asked about the heat-less jalapenos. You'd
think I'd walked into a Southern Baptist convention and suggested that Jesus
was an alien (not my metaphor, I borrowed it from a friend). I thought this
was the chile-head board, not the habanero-head board. Isn't the point of
this group to discuss all things chile? 

A lot of people say they don't like the taste of jalapenos, or Tabasco, or
that mild peppers are evil, ok fine, that's your opinion, well here's my
next blasphemy: I think habaneros taste like feet, and nasty unclean
fungus-y feet at that. Their only saving grace is their heat. The flavor is
fine when used to augment or contrast other flavors, but by themselves
they're just plain nasty. 

<deep breath> 

Let the stoning begin.  :^) 

No stones here. It takes courage to admit something like that in the
presence of purists. I happen to like Tabasco(tm) on a lot of things, and I
happen to hate fresh Habs in chili. I prefer a Piquin, Thai Dragon, Cayenne
or Chipotole flavor in chile, but that is just my opinion. And I can get it
HOT! (Vegan chile dosen't have to be bland!) 

I do like Habs, but in their place... salsas, sauces, powdered on various
foods, sliced on sandwiches, pickled, etc. 

I grow about 20 different chiles, and only 3 of them are Habaneros (the Red
and White Habaneros are mild). The rest are chiles that I grow for their
wide spectrum of heat and flavor variations. 

Celebrate your uniqueness as a CH! Though I still don't understand the
heatless Jalapeno thing. LOL

Good gardening, and God Bless,


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