[CH] Some Kiwi's were Chile-Heads in 1963

Lukasz Electronics (lukasz@midcoast.com.au)
Sun, 08 Apr 2001 21:46:42 +1000

Hi Tony Found a book here in Oz,
Called " Just Cooking thanks" by Noel Holmes 
[Being a Dissertation on New Zealand Seafoods]
Illustrated by Lonsdale..
Written in 1962 and published in 1963, by A.H.&A.W.REED
182 Wakefield Strret Wellington, St Paul Street Auckland

It is well written and the first recipe being for raw fish calls for
three or four Chillis, another is Sea Urchin in a Peppery sauce, [half a
cup of Chilli sauce, a tablespoon of Lemon Juice, a teaspoon of grated
Onion, a Teaspoon of Worcester{sauce} a touch or two of Tabasco and
Celery Sauce.
Either to be poured over or the Sea Eggs dipped into it.
It Includes recipes for Mutton Birds (which we have in Coffs Harbour but
are not available for Harvesting as I think they are now a protected
Smoking Fish, Bottling etc..
Any idea if Noel Holmes Born in Invercargill 1920,is still Alive??
Perhaps we could induct him into the Pacific Chile-heads Hall of Fame..

Luke in Oz