[CH] Datil peppers

Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:24:44 EDT

There's a story that Datils grow best only around St. Augustine, but the Chilewoman Susan Byers and Firefighter Jim Campbell have good luck with them in Indiana.  I tried them last year, from Susan's plants, and got a total of 4 pods from four plants.  I do love these things just the same.  
The Datildoit company says on their hot sauce bottles that Datils are America's rarest hot pepper.  Based on my growing experience, I can accept that.  They claim, from their HQ in St. Augustine that these peppers have been part of the local culture for hundreds of years.  I have found the "Devil Drops" to be the very best addition to any kind of salsa.  If you want/need more sauce, their website is www.datildoit.com.
Yours in heat,
Gareth the ChileKnight