[CH] On the road

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 13:32:19

What a week, I'm training at four military bases in three states in five 
days.  Time and money have both been too tight for me to hit the C-H spots I 
wanted to see on this trip, but I will be in the DC area again in two weeks. 
  I haven't had a chance to get online for days, but I finally got a local 
connection here in Harrisburg and I could read up on the C-H traffic.

I owe thanks and apologies to all in Madison; Linda and I had a great time 
at the hotluck, but I regret that we didn't go back the next night.  We had 
a fantastic weekend, though, with some nice tours and walks among the 
flowering gardens and roads.  We found a new Mexican grocery in town, with 
some things I've never seen before.  For example, we got a "snack seasoning" 
called Super Lucas.  I don't have one in front of me to give you al the 
ingredients, but imagine a sweet, peppery powder, grainy like sugar, with a 
lot of citric acid in it to make it extremely tart.  The flavor is at once 
sweet, sour, and hot.  I don't know how people use this stuff, but it might 
be realy interesting grilled onto chicken, or else maybe in place of salt on 
the rim of a margarita glass.  We also found chile flavor in other snacks, 
like watermelon lolipops.  Haven't tried one of those yet.  There are enough 
baci ingredients (and fancy ones) to compose a heck of a Mexican feast.

As I go from one restaurant meal to another, I carry a shaker jar (invented 
by the Shakers, you know) of CaJohn's Fiery Salt.  It is the one-shake 
solution to breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  Last night I got a fish-and-chips 
dinner, and the salt went very well in the little tub of tartar sauce.

Chile out,

- A

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