[CH] OT- Artichokes

Kristofer Blennow (kristofer@blennow.se)
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 07:16:17 +0200

On 26 Apr 01, Alexjojo@aol.com wrote:
> I tried making Artichokes for the first time tonight - I boiled them
> in a few ingredients that I got out of one of my cookbooks  (bay leaf,
> oil, salt, peppercorns, vinegar and garlic)         problem is I'm not
> really sure how to eat these guys.   I peeled off the outer layers and
> stem before boiling - any other advice?

You should cook them whole in salted water, maybe 45 minutes or so. I 
haven't tried the spices you mention, but that sounds good too.

> Do you just keep peeling
> off the layers and eating the bottom of the leaf??        not very
> interesting I have to say. 

This is finger food, nice to eat more as a social thing than an 
actual meal. You take a "leaf" at a time, dip it in butter, and 
scrape off the bottom part of it with your teeth. Then you remove the 
"stringy things" on the bottom, and finish off with eating the 
artichoke bottom. The butter is essential, so I guess it is not for 
you lowfat guys.

It is mild and aromatic, I don't think it is very "chilefiable". 
Someone tried?
