[CH] Excuse to Party / was Cinco de Mayo

=Mark (mstevens@exit109.com)
Sat, 05 May 2001 09:45:05 -0400

At 04:23 PM 5/4/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Since the French were defeated at Puebla, and Puebla is where 
>mole was invented, mole would certainly be in order. The only 
>problem is that Cinco de Mayo is celebrated more in the US than 
>in Mexico. Their big day is the 16th of September.

This is a problem?  Lets celebrate Sept 16 too!

Is it just me or does the Boomer generation look for any excuse to party?
When I was a kid I don't remember my parents celebrating Halloween, Fat
Tuesday or St. Patricks Day (as with Cinco de Mayo, we US residents make
more of a big deal about St. Patricks than the Irish), much less Cinco de
Mayo.  Of course I'm not saying this is nessesarily a bad thing...   :-)

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

                @ http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens @
                                  @ ICQ# 2059548 @

                          Dyslexic, Agnostic, Insomniac...

             Lying awake at night, wondering if there is a Dog.