Re: [CH] How to tell if you are getting a flaming e-mail....
Tue, 15 May 2001 11:47:25 -0600

>At 12:16 PM 5/15/01 -0400, Linda Reynolds wrote:
>  >
>>I was wondering if anyone else here on the list heard of a new e-mail
>>program that determines the content of what is being said by the
>>mailer and assigns Chiles to the subject line to tell the reader what
>>kind of language is being used?  I heard it on some computer type
>>radio talk show but only got part of it.  It is supposedly designed
>>to let you know if you are getting flamed.  I thought it kinda funny
>>seeing as all of our talk is hot and would welcome a few chiles along
>>with each post!
>This is in the newer versions of Eudora, and is not to tell you if you are
>getting flamed.  It is designed to let you know that a message you 
>are about to
>send could be deemed offensive by the recipient.  It apparently designates the
>level of posible insult by the number of chile peppers...

yep...i saw this when i rec'd Eudora for my iMac...wasn't sure if it 
was funny or offensive <g>.  Obviously, i don't use the 
option...prefer to let my dirty emails reach out and slap me in the 
face as they were intended to do...

then again, one is able to edit the word list deemed offensive...i 
could delete all that's in it and create my own dictionary of "dirty 
words".  Hmmm...believe it would go something like this:

"genetically modified"
"george w. bush"
bush (well, no, i'd have to create some limiters for this...)
"good capitalist"
"good business"
"no-heat jalapeno" (i suppose i'd have to include the funky thing over the "n")
"no-heat *"
"vinegar + good sauce"
"you have a son"
"Twister sucks" (actually, i may want to know who would say such so i 
can put him/her on my Left Foot Up Yer Arse list)
"small penis" (uh, i just find the phrase offensive...i have this 
friend, you see...)

And, well, my list would probably be something like that...

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......

Rael"...1 down, 2 to go..."64