Re: [CH] car foods
Thu, 24 May 2001 20:38:52 -0600

>Traditionally, I do OK through April with PB&J and some fruit.  But it's
>gets really boring really quickly.  I'd like to be able to make a variety
>of quick foods I can eat while driving on sunday, and be able to just grab
>out of the fridge/freezer what I feel like for that day.  Also, hot
>(temperature-wise) food could be good from time-to-time.  I can always stop
>to use a microwave where I get gas.  Or I might put one in my car...  But
>the main goal is to be less boring.  Incorporate some chiles other than the
>occasional Jalapeno jelly, maybe some curry type flavors, some different
>textures...  etc.

It appears Nubile Tara had some excellent-o ideas for car 
vittles...lemme see if I can give some advice here as well since I 
preriodically go on a weight gain diet, and given my metabolism+level 
of activity+small stomach, that means I'm eating something 
constantly, more or less.  Granted, some of the following may be more 
the nature of "powerpacked" foods, but if you can't eat as often as 
you'd like/should, best to eat as much good stuff as possible when 
you do eat.

If you've the money, I do recommend "energy bars".  Most taste like 
crap, yes,particularly the high protein ones; but if you just want 
some nice carbs, little fat, no GMOs, look for Cliff Bars.  I buy 
them in bulk from so they come to around $1.00 each, 
but they are actually damned tasty.  And while i have no affiliation 
to Cliff Bars whatsoever, if *anyone* on this list is affiliated, or 
knows the owners, or whatever, and can get me a deal on 'em, baby, 
please please please.  Monk Rael will be most grateful.

I do have a recipe for do-it-yourself "energy bars", but it needs 
tweaking badly, so, maybe in the future.

Others: of course, there are MRPs, "instant" breakfasts, and so forth 
which are quite expensive too, and some are not really that great for 
you on a regular basis unless you're really suffering nutritionally 
or on a special diet (ex: i drink some protein drinks, but have to 
really watch my cholesterol level...tends to rise w/all the excess 
protein).  Nevertheless, some of the basic "meal replacements" are 
pretty good for a quick, fairly nutritious snack.

You can also buy protein in bulk (probably best to stick to a pure 
protein vs. a blend...may cook up differently) and incorporate it 
into your cooking.  Breads and muffins can be bulked up 
nutritionally; make pancakes in bulk, freeze, and take along to eat 
room temp (pretty good four-grain recipe in Joy of Cooking).

Also, the basics: fruits and veggies.  Yeah, they may not be 
exciting, but make such a habit, and it'll do you a world of good. 
Plenty of vitamins, minerals...killer fibre/roughage, and more.  I 
dry many of my own fruits and really enjoy them that way much more 
than fresh.

And of course, the ultimate food of the gods: chips and salsa.  Make 
your own and pack it in containers that you'll eat in one 
serving/day.  Personally, I will eat anything that's been at room 
temp for MAX 4 hours, meaning, I've lugged meat sandwiches, yoghurt, 
milkshakes, etc. along with me in a backpack (not insulated) and have 
consumed them w/in 4 hours.  But that's just me.  I'm a 
wildman.......warmed salami, chiles, on wheat? sluuuurp, down it 
goes...can't touch me...superfreak, ooooh....(where the hell did that 
come from?)

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......