Re: [CH] cat-shooters
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:36:21 EDT

>  Pinging their butts with a bb gun doesn't hurt 'em, but it does 
>  discourage 'em and eventually they get the message and stay outta 
>  the garden.  I know, I've tried it, it works. 

"Doesn't hurt 'em?" 

Have you ever been hit by a BB gun?

For a cat, a hit in the head would be brutally damaging, perhaps fatal.

A hit in the torso would very likely break ribs, and probably cause damage to 
internal organs.

In the unlikely event that a cat was actually harming your peppers, there 
would be all sorts of ways to handle the problem without shooting up people's 

Some of you people need help.  I'm really serious about that.  If you find 
killing or maiming small animals amusing, your next stop should be a 
psychologist's couch.  That ain't normal.

I've been a member of this list since its inception, but I'm outa here until 
the level of mental health gets a little higher.
I'd appreciate it if someone could drop me an email when this thread peters 

-- Dan//saddened and disgusted