[CH] recipe list?

Sun, 3 Jun 2001 09:33:21 -0400

(Sorry, all; this post does eventually return to topic.)

 > I would imagine that (domestic) cats are not >actually native to north
America and could be 
> considered feral there as well? 

Geeze, Luke.  Okay, you fed a cat for awhile, and missed her when she was
gone.  But there are feral cats and there are escaped or inadequately
controlled pets.  And if you shoot on sight without caring about the
difference...with a 12-gauge, no less...you've clearly never loved one or
genuinely shared your life with her.  So perhaps you really can't
how bad I and others find this.     

> Anyway I don't think that any ammount of Chile >Sauce could make them 
taste good.. !

To be honest, right this minute I feel sort of the same way about you.  
But let's get back to chiles, please:  

Anybody here happen to know of a good list explicitly devoted to
chilehead recipes as opposed to chile chat?

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