[CH] New Chile Game

Uncle Steve (UncleSteve@usHOTstuff.com)
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 21:41:20 -0400

I just added a new Chile game to our site "Hot Chile Puzzle".

There is a bug I have to work out for the netscape version (the puzzle will not
solve itself when clicking the "solve" link, but you can still scramble it,
play it, and solve it yourself.

Its harder than it looks! So if you need a little change from a boring day give
it a try.

The picture for the puzzle is from an Arizona customer. She sent me the framed
photo after visiting here in Virginia 2 years ago. She took home a large bag of
different Chiles and some hot sauce. When she got home she sent the photo as a
thank you gift for the great time she had. She said the Chiles looked so
beautiful in the bowl I just had to take a picture. I got a good laugh at a
comment she made after tasting several hot sauces we make, "I live in Arizona,
Chile land ya know. Who would think I would find the best hot sauce I have ever
tasted and its made in Virginia! She bought 8 bottles and the friend that was
with he bought 2 :-)

Enjoy the heat,

                 Uncle Steve's HOT Stuff
           Anything & Everything about Chiles

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