Re: [CH] Holiday Cheer

Mike Benson (
Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:58:28 -0500

> I recently purchased a chilli called Holiday Cheer from a nursery. I'm
> wondering if anyone has any info about it since I know next to nothing
> except the fruits look like Christmas Cranberries. Is it rare? Has anyone
> here got some? How hot is it? Stuff like that :)

I grew NM Holiday Cheer a few years ago.  I got the seeds from Enchanted Seeds
(  They are a small, bushy, ornamental
chile plant, about a foot tall, with small green leaves.  The pods are about
the size of a marble.  Mine started out cream colored, then there was a little
purple over the cream color, then they got orange and finally turned red.  I
didn't eat many.  It's like eating a little hot ball of seeds, and they are too
small to bother with de-seeding.  Mine were fairly hot; I'd guess about half
way between a serrano and a habanero.
