[CH] RE: Ladybugs & JC

Mon, 9 Jul 2001 22:42:35 -0600

>rael writ:
>>if only i'd seen hendrix...just once...(or joplin, the doors, godz,
>ALL DEAD!..ain't fair)...
>Gee, you even missed Jim Croce!

oh, I missed 'em all, it (often) seems...but then again, back in 
Mississippi, I caught a number of blues acts that a lot of people 
never get (nor will ever, since a couple names are long gone) to 
see/hear...BB King, R.L. Burnside, Junior Kimbrough (the previous two 
artists can be found on the Fat Possum lable...KILLER blues...R.L in 
particular has elevated electric blues guitar to a level that some 
love, some hate), Anson Funderburg/the Rockets w/Sam Meyer (white 
boys playing good blues with a black man wailin' like he means it, 
baby...), Son House, Son Thomas, and a handful of others that I can't 
think of name-wise...

give and take, hmm?

Anywho...it's all good.  Although when I'm rich and famous, I'm gonna 
track down Siouxsie Sioux (of the Banshees kind) and offer her a 
million bucks to play one more concert...just for me and my chilehead 

...probably on the island we all talk about off and on, over and 
over, dreaming, wishing...sigh...


Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......
