[CH] a fun accidental discovery.

George A. Starkey (gas@kdlegal.com)
Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:14:13 -0500

I was recently dining at a Lone Star restaurant, and ordered a bowl of their chili and a baked sweet potato. Much to my delight, the chili came with a whole roasted jalapeno plunged into it. So, of course, I took a hearty bite of the Jal... it was a "real" one! Good heat, and then it struck me-- brown sugar,cinnamon, melted real butter-- a natural dunkin' sauce for a hot little pepper!  My young lady friend thought me daft (not an uncommon occurance) as I continued to devour said chile in the aforementioned mix.  I may have to try this again, at home!

George in Indy,
Just 26 miles north of Jim's "Field of Screams"