[CH] Eat the Heat...apologies

Elden E. Martin (eldenemartin@earthlink.net)
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 21:41:21 -0400

Hey Pods...I owe everyone a big apology....I have been having family
problems and to make a long story short, the address was changed to another
family member who has bogarted the ETH tapes-a control issue-ugly family
stuff.  I now have 2!!! tapes in my possession and I will be sending them on
to the next people on the list.  Again, I apologize for this MAJOR
inconvenience to everyone, I know Mark who runs with scissors will be happy
to know they didn't disappear into USPO Hades.  BTW-it was great to "meet"
everyone on the tapes.  Patty