[CH] Calvin Calvin Calvin!

Valerie C (mspepper424@hotmail.com)
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 21:55:42 -0500

Hello ChileHeads :)

I've been lurking and letting Hotmail delete piles of Chilehead mail (bad 
me!) but now I must ask if Calvin is still here on the list! Alas, my last 
bottle is about half gone and won't last much longer. His contact info is on 
an empty bottle, which is in a box, which is in a 10 x 30 ft. storage bin 
along with the rest of our possessions. (moved from St. Louis MO back to Noo 
Hampster last month!) Anywho, Calvin if you're out there somewhere, please 
email me when you get the chance. Thanx much!
BTW, it's good to be back among the twisted chilehead folk of the world!

aka Breeze
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