[CH] Chile overdose remedy

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
12 Jul 01 00:00:03 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Parkhurst, Scott Contractor" to All <=-

 "SC> Near as I can tell, the burning goes away in a "matter of minutes"
 "SC> if you do absolutely nothing.

True enough, but some people just can't wait that long. <G>

 "SC> Quicker (much quicker) relief is found
 "SC> in a glass of whole milk

My fix, if it's handy, is ice cream.

My granddaughter is a lil chile-head. She had a taste of tabasco mixed
with ketchup on a french fry when she was just 8 months old and beamed
with pleasure. At 12 months she was putting Frank's Louisiana sauce on
everything. At 18 months she would pick cayennes right off the bush and
nibble them. The only things that daunt her are habs. Despite me telling
her not to a hundred times, she picked a hab off my plant when I wasn't
looking and tasted it. She came to me making little whimpering sounds,
crying and saying, "Too hut! Mouf hurts!" I treated her with ice cream
and lots of hugs and she was OK in minutes. She was 19 months old at the
time. She still likes hot food but goes around telling everybody, "Jim's
Habs.... Dey is toooo hut.....Doan touch!" She's 31 months old now and
still likes hot sauce. Earlier tonight we had pizza together with a few
drops of La Guaca Maya on it. After she bit into one slice that was
hotter than planned, she shouted at me, "Too hot. I needs ice cream.
RIGHT NOW!!!" She had a spoonful of ice cream and went right back to
eating the pizza. She never ceases to amaze me.

                                                YK Jim